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Welcome to Step Team Page 

This year's theme:  Stomping Out Substance Abuse 

Logistics & Team Specifics

  1. Performances will be theme around Youth Prevention of Bullying

  2. Rehearsal is Saturday Morning April 25 , 2020 Time: 10 am

  3. The Event is April 25, 2020  Time: 12pm-3pm

  4. Location of the show is: Cody High School 18445 Cathedral St. Detroit, MI 48228

  5. Time length of the entire routine must fall between 8.00 minutes and 11.00 minutes

  6. 10 point deduction for every minute (rounded to the next minute) below or above specified time

    1. Example: 7.57 (10 Point Deduction)

    2. Example: 6:48 (20 Point Deduction)

    3. Example: 11.01 (10 Point Deduction)

    4. Example: 12.03 (20 Point Deduction)

  7. Performances which contain indecent or obscene use of props and/costumes, sexually explicit language, cursing, or a verbal attack on any other organization, will be



  1. Indecent or Obscene Exposure/Gestures/Props/Costumes

    1. Floor Humping/Grinding

    2. Humping the Air

    3. Butt Popping

    4. Gyrating

    5. Lingerie, Condoms, Whip Cream, etc.

  2. Sexually Explicit Language

    1. Regarding Sex, Sucking, Horny, Boning, Eating, Head, Dome, Pussy, Dick, Cunt, etc.

  3. Cursing

    1. Shit, Fuck, Damn, Hell, Bitch, Nigga, Ass, Mother Fucka, Son of a Bitch, etc.

  4. All teams will be able to store their belongings in one designate room.

  5. Each team is allowed to roster 15 people who CAN and WILL perform in the show on the STAGE. This includes performers, stages hands, assistants, and other (unless discussed with organizer prior to event)

  6. Completed rosters are to be submitted by email to by March 4, 2016 at 5p.m.




Rehearsal/ Show Order and Specifics

  1. Each organization is allotted a 15 minute time period to rehearse on the stage.

  2. Your time will start at exactly the displayed time below. Arrive no more than 10 minutes early

  3. After your organization time segment is over, you are to relocate down to the studio room in the building

  4. Rehearsal is for staging and spacing

Rehearsal Times (Saturday, April 25, 2020)

Starting at 10:30am


Criteria Regarding Judges/Judging

Categories on Judge’s Scoring Sheet:

Stepping Criteria Points

Creativity 10

Uniformity 10

Accuracy of health information 10

Complexity 10

Enthusiasm 10

Ability to teach peers 10

Use of Theme 40

Maximum Total Points 100



Each judge will be responsible for judging one specific criteria for each team that performs

The MAXIMUM total points an organization can receive for their performance is 100


Stepping Criteria Defined


a. Creativity

§ Performing new and innovative steps and utilizing a creative introduction and exit


b. Uniformity

§ Having coordinated/meaning uniforms that also help tie in the personally determined themes unique to your organization


c. Accuracy of Health information

§ Overall manner in which your organization presents the health information to the audience and whether information was accurate and valid


f. Complexity

§ Difficulty of movements and step routines


h. Enthusiasm

§Overall energy put behind the performance. The energy and excitement during routine


i. Ability to teach peers

§ Overall ability to project quality sound into the audience allowing the audience to interpret, hear, and understand your step routine and the message


Age appropriate and relevant to the target population (Youth/young adults)

§ Overall sounds quality of the performance includes but is not limited to: human voices,

Videos used, songs played, etc. that engage and catch the attention of the audience


j. Use of Theme

§Incorporating or making blatant statement of the importance of preventing Diabetes/Obesity among youth, whether, used in a skit, a monologue, props, etc.


Scores will be totaled after each team has performed.


Prizes and Rewards

There will be a 1st , 2nd,  and  3rd place winners, based upon highest points.

  1. $1000.00 and trophy to the 1st Place Team

  2.  trophy to the 2nd Place Team

  3. trophy to the 3rd Place Team

  4. Will be announced during the show and team briefing for 4th -8th Place  Team

***One Team Entry Per High School team***

***Team accompanied by Coach/School Representative***


Social Media

We would like to be to able use your images from your practices , gatherings, or events to promote on our social meida. Please feel free to tag us, add us, or send us your pictures or videos. 

  • Instragram (IG) : Savethem_Detroit

  • Twitter: SaveThemDetroit

  • Facebook (FB): SAVE THEM

The hastages that we are using the event ths year are

  • #ST2020

  • #SAVETHEM2020

  • #ST425

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